math rock
Albums scraped2021-11-27T05:41:20.550Z
Last updated2021-12-15T07:34:34.739Z
Released at
6Slint - Spiderland1991-03-15
30Polvo - Today's Active Lifestyles1993-04-19
75Rodan - Rusty1994-04-04
31Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime1994-04-26
16Slint - Slint1994-08-29
29Shellac - At Action Park1994-10-24
76Don Caballero - Don Caballero 21995-09-15
99Polvo - Exploded Drawing1996-04-30
57Shellac - Terraform1998-02-10
34Don Caballero - What Burns Never Returns1998-06-09
5American Football - American Football1999-09-14
37Igor Stravinsky - The Rite Of Spring1999
27Don Caballero - American Don2000-10-03
45Faraquet - The View from This Tower2000-11-14
38Owls - Owls2001-07-31
15Hella - Hold Your Horse Is2002-03-19
91Minus the Bear - Highly Refined Pirates2002-11-25
93Ghosts and Vodka - Addicts And Drunks2003-09-23
46Battles - EP C2004-06-04
42Battles - B EP2004-09-14
62Piglet - Lava Land2005-07-12
9toe - the book about my idle plot on a vague anxiety2005-08-31
94Battles - EP C/B EP2005-09-11
50Tera Melos - Tera Melos2005-10-04
1065daysofstatic - Radio Protector2006-02-27
39Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem2006-05-16
41toe - New Sentimentality2006-12-06
55You Slut! - Critical Meat2006
83Hella - There's No 666 In Outer Space2007-01-30
44Tera Melos - Drugs To The Dear Youth2007-01
4Foals - Hummer2007-04-23
2Battles - Mirrored2007-04-25
87Shellac - Excellent Italian Greyhound2007-06-04
19Foals - Mathletics2007-08-20
24Maps & Atlases - Tree, Swallows, Houses2007-09-10
14Giraffes? Giraffes! - More Skin With Milk-Mouth2007-12-08
22Foals - Balloons2007-12-10
13Foals - Cassius2008-02-15
1Foals - Antidotes2008-03-23
56This Town Needs Guns - This Town Needs Guns2008-04
65Johnny Foreigner - Waited Up Til It Was Light2008-06-02
17Maps & Atlases - You And Me And The Mountain2008-06-16
49Lite - Phantasia2008-06-23
79Adebisi Shank - This is the album of a band called Adebisi Shank2008-09-11
71Foals - Olympic Airways2008-10-06
20This Town Needs Guns - Animals2008-10-13
69TTNG - Animals2008-10-13
90The One Up Downstairs - The One Up Downstairs Ep2009-01-27
68Tubelord - Our First American Friends2009-10-12
43Girlfriends - Girlfriends2009-12-19
18Maps and Atlases - You and Me and the Mountain2009
86CHON - Chon2009
92Midwest Pen Pals - Inside Jokes EP2009
52Foals - Total Life Forever2010-05-07
89Enemies - We've Been Talking2010-06-11
67Adebisi Shank - This is the second album of a band called Adebisi Shank2010-08-20
12Everything Everything - Man Alive2010-08-30
84Tera Melos - Patagonian Rats2010-09-07
54Zach Hill - FACE TAT2010-10-19
36Clever Girl - No Drum and Bass in the Jazz Room2010
11Battles - Gloss Drop2011-06-05
96Hella - Tripper2011-08-30
70This Town Needs Guns - Adventure, Stamina & Anger2011-10-10
32Mute Math - Armistice2012-01-10
64toe - The Future Is Now EP2012-06-20
88The Cast of Cheers - Family2012-07-08
85This Town Needs Guns -
72And So I Watch You From Afar - All Hail Bright Futures (Bonus Track Version)2013-03-19
80The Physics House Band - Horizons / Rapture2013-04-15
81Tera Melos - X'ed Out2013-04-16
26CHON - Newborn Sun2013-06-11
59tricot - T H E2013-10-02
33Slint - spiderland (remastered)2014-06-24
51Shellac - Dude Incredible2014-09-16
40Marmozets - The Weird and Wonderful Marmozets2014-09-29
28CHON - Grow2015-03-23
23Hiatus Kaiyote - Choose Your Weapon2015-05-25
74Delta Sleep - Twin Galaxies2015-06-15
100Everything Everything - Get to Heaven (Deluxe)2015-06-22
47Foals - What Went Down2015-08-28
48Battles - La Di Da Di2015-09-18
98Macross 82-99 - CHAM!2015-10-06
66CoVet - Currents2015-12-20
61Tiny Moving Parts - Celebrate2016-05-20
95TTNG - Disappointment Island2016-07-08
25Dance Gavin Dance - Mothership2016-10-07
8Dance Gavin Dance - Summertime Gladness2017-06-15
53CHON - Homey2017-06-16
97Paranoid void - Literary Math2017-11-01
58Tiny Moving Parts - Swell2018-01-26
78Marmozets - Knowing What You Know Now2018-01-26
35CoVet - effloresce2018-07-13
63Plini - Sunhead2018-07-27
73Polyphia - New Levels New Devils2018-10-12
82Black Country, New Road - Athen's, France2019-03-08
7BLACK MIDI - schlagenheim2019-06-21
3American Beauty - American Beauty2019-09-08
77Tiny Moving Parts - Breathe2019-09-13
21Foals - part 2 everything not saved will be lost2019-10-18
60Pinegrove - Marigold2020-01-17